4 Signs You're a Candidate for Tubal Ligation

If you’re sure having a baby isn’t part of your future, you may be interested in a permanent form of birth control. Female sterilization, or tubal ligation (“getting your tubes tied”), is a common procedure that’s a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancies. 

But not all women are good candidates for tubal ligation. That’s why contraception specialist and board-certified OB/GYN Kelly Morales, MD, offers a variety of safe and effective birth control options at her private practice in San Antonio, Texas.

Here’s a closer look at what’s involved with tubal ligation, the signs you’re a good candidate, and what happens if you change your mind after getting your tubes tied. 

What do I need to know about tubal ligation?

Every year, about 600,000 American women have their tubes tied. This surgical procedure involves blocking, removing, or cutting both fallopian tubes to prevent sperm from reaching an egg. 

Tubal ligation stops pregnancy and is more than 99% effective, although you still get your period. During the procedure, you get medicine to keep you comfortable and pain-free. 

Most tubal ligations are performed laparoscopically, meaning we only need to make small incisions near your belly button. Dr. Morales uses special tools to close off or remove your fallopian tubes.

The process takes less than an hour, and you can usually go home the same day. Most women feel better after a few days, but you should avoid lifting anything heavy for at least a week.

What are the signs I’m a candidate for tubal ligation?

The best way to learn if you’re a good candidate for tubal ligation is by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Morales. Since tubal ligation is a type of permanent birth control, you need to understand the procedure. Here’s a rundown.

While tubal ligation is generally safe for most women, it’s not for everyone. These four signs may indicate you’re a good candidate for tubal ligation. They include:

  • Being 100% certain you don’t want to get pregnant

  • Having a health issue or underlying condition that makes pregnancy dangerous 

  • Not being pressured by your partner or family to have your tubes tied

  • Seeking a once-and-done contraception so you never have to think about it again

Getting your tubes tied doesn’t offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), so if infections are a concern, you and your partner need to use condoms to lower your risk of contracting or spreading STDs. 

If you like the idea of a very convenient form of contraception but aren’t ready for a permanent solution, talk to Dr. Morales about other effective options, like IUDs, which can be removed any time you want to have a child. 

What if I change my mind after tubal ligation?

Tubal ligation is a permanent form of sterilization. While it can sometimes be reversed, the reversal is only successful about half of the time. And women who get pregnant after tubal ligation have an increased risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. 

If you’re considering tubal ligation, schedule an appointment with Dr. Morales in San Antonio, Texas, to learn whether you’re a good candidate.


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